mundillya homestead
Order your premium Homestead Hampers & Mundillya Meat Products
Mundillya Meats started as a source of quality meat for us in Homestead Hamper products and is now well known for its goat meat. With its delicious sweet flavour and amazing health benefits, we believe everyone should be eating goat and we’re working hard to make it more accessible throughout Western Australia.
Mundillya Meats marries science and nature to create the best possible environment for our animals. Chris’ uses cutting edge technology and partakes in important new research projects ensuring they’re doing everything they can to not only improve the quality of their pastoral land but also minimise their imprint on the environment whilst producing quality goat products.
At Mundillya Meats, all of our products are hand-packed and handled with care every step of the way. Chris’s commercial kitchen is located at homestead property in the Gascoyne, so quality assurance is easy to maintain.
Order our products
Gacoyne Growers Markets
Every Saturday from May to October, Carnarvon Civic Centre from 8 am to 11.30am